Founded in the fall of 1991, Laurel Moon is Brandeis' oldest, national literary publication. Each issue we publish features original work from undergraduate students.
By the time I woke up they had already cleaned the vomit off the hallway floor.
Like it was never there in the first place.
It scares me a little, to have no evidence of something.
I don’t trust my imagination because remember what it did to you?
I do my best writing half asleep because I don’t have the energy to filter myself.
Oh, to rest
I’ve never had a love language quite like telling me to
“Get some sleep.”
The gentle reminder to breathe unconsciously is one I wish I didn’t need
Paige Wilson is a young creative writer seeking to touch on the complexity of growing up alongside the technology boom and the pandemic. She lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she studies English at the University of Michigan. She enjoys long walks, the farmer’s market, and poorly-made horror movies.