Domesticity turns me on

Joseph Potter

Let’s switch bodies. 
I’ll use a crowbar to force 
my chin over my head. 
You can use your fingernails 
to squeeze the cap off your knees. 
My padded antennae will beg to feel 
the inside of your armpits as we 
chase each other with a fist-full of 
desire. Caress me with your toes 
before I shamefully swirl 
my tongue around them. 
Steal my lips. 
Afterwards, we’ll exchange hands 
so I grope everything you do 
and you grope everything I do. 
Let’s swim in our afterbirth 
when you claw your way to my ribcage 
and pry the gates open— 
sensually lick my drum.

Joseph Potter is a senior at Elms College in Chicopee, Massachusetts. He carries his voice that lingers along with a boom mike and tries to capture the thousand other voices of repeated movies, songs, and references—being comfortably confused is the goal.